Friends of the Clay Center Library

Specific Need

The Friends of the Clay Center Library helps to enrich the total resources and facilities and promote public awareness of the Clay Center Library.  We were recently able to purchase and install a beautiful bronzed statue in front of the library.  Other recent purchases and projects include a new rug for the children's library, a book cart, mobile book display for the library, a donation for the summer reading program, books and movie passes for our first Book to Movie Club with the Rex Theatre,  a coffee station in the library, little libraries with the Rotary, an AWE children's computer for the library, digital camera and printer, and prizes and printing of bookmarks for the winners of the FOL summer reading bookmark contest.  Upcoming projects and purchases include books for the library, maintenance of the coffee station, summer reading donations, sponsoring programs such as another Book to Movie club and any other needs that arise for the library.   


The Friends of the Clay Center Library's mission is to:

  • foster the use of the library and library services
  • focus public attention on needed library support
  • stimulate gifts and endowments 


The Friends of the Clay Center Library, Inc. is a volunteer, non-profit, 501 (c)(3) organization, which was established in 1982.  The Friends membership is composed of people who support the vital role the library plays as a community resource.  Annual activities include our annual meetings, book sale room at the library, Adopt A Book month, Bookmark design contest during summer reading, assisting with the summer reading program as needed, and the annual cookie and candy sale.  

Photos & Videos

$6,638.67 received
in 46 gifts


706 6th Street
Clay Center, KS 67432
Phone: (785) 632-1342

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